Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where Is My Heart Guiding Me?

My heart is guiding me towards confusion. I know that in order for me to be healthy I have to let go negative relationships, hazardous emotional involvement, and inability to say no.

It's telling me to care and love, but also to forget the bad. Be aware of the potential in people and forget about their faults. To never give up, have hope, be who you are but remember your past.

I can't really tell yet where my heart is guiding me and I don't know if I ever will be able to.

What about you, where is your hear guiding you?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Transformation Questions

So I was searching on of my most visited sites when I found this article that was titled '100 Questions that Will Transform Your Life.' So I thought I would put them up here on this blog each time that I answer one.

Leave your response in the form a  comment down below the question. To find these blogs look under the label 'Transformation Questions'

100 Questions that Will Transform Your Life

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Gardening or School

Unless you are into horticulture, you probably don’t think that school and gardening have a lot in common. I find that most things in life you can use an analogy for and for me it’s been gardening and school.

More specifically the three step process of:
  1. Seeding or Planting
  2.   Weeding
  3.  Blooming

The first time you start it is like they are planting the seeds and slowly fertilizing the seeds of knowledge. Giving you lots of hope that you can complete this with no problems at all.

The second stage through to the second last stage is the weeding stage. They toss all sorts of work at you, whether its tests, assignments or labs to see if you handle it all. They are wondering who is going to push to the top.

The final stage is blooming. Those who have surpassed all of the weeding are looking forward to the finish lines. Now professors are congratulating and asking you about post-graduate plans and how they can help you move forward.

Now this may just be me, but what do you guys think. Let me hear you thoughts and ideas on what analogies you like to use when it comes to school.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tips for Overcoming Performance Anixety

Hey guys;

So this week was a partnered in class assignment that my business communication professor had us do. I thought I would share it with you guys.

1.      Breathing Exercises

a.       Taking in deep breaths and letting it out slowly

b.      Allowing yourself to clear your mind

2.      Visualize Your Presentation

a.       Allow yourself to think what you want your presentation to look like in the end

3.      Be prepare

a.       Prepare yourself for all possible outcomes

b.      remember to have backup

4.      Pause Frequently

a.       To overcome stuttering

b.      regain composure when gripped by anxiety

5.      Memorize

a.       Allow yourself to memorize certain aspects of your presentation so you don’t need your notes and look prepared

6.      Practice

a.       In front of a mirror or out loud so you know when to put different tones and speeds into certain aspects

b.      Pretend that your worst so you know what not to do

7.      Forget Audience

a.       Allow yourself to visualize that you are once again to stand in front of the mirror and remember that you are only doing it for you

8.      Audience Expressions

a.        Ignore blank expressions due to fact that they are probably attempting to understand what you are talking about

9.      Film Presentation

a.       Allow yourself to actually go back and see yourself in the presentation and also gives you a chance if you unable to make presentation to have copy for the event or presentation to still go on

10.  See It Another Way

a.       Stop seeing it as a big thing, but just a conversation between you and another classmate

11.  Find A Target Zone

a.       Pick a spot in the room or a familiar face and make that your center point in the way that you are concentrating on that one spot, to keep you from looking down

What are your tips and tricks? Let me know in a comment.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Top Five Things Can't Leave The House Without

Hey guys;

So this week blog is actually going to be a video one. So watch and don't forget to leave a comment.

Can't wait to read them, and have an amazing day.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


It's the first Saturday o the New Year and I am writing a blog before turning in for the night.

I'm asking myself what I want from this year. That thought has been messing around my head or a few days now. It's a big deal to figure out what you want for the year.

Especially since this is a big year. I'll be turning 24, it marks the 20th anniversary of my father's death and it also marks 6 years since I graduated from high school.

I know partly what I want and that's to be more positive. I know I want to read 104 books. I know I want to be the best person that I can be.

What I don't know is how do I keep my life balanced, find happiness and love without losing who I am. How do I know what habits to keep and which ones not to?

I'm constantly thinking but that's who I am. I guess I’m wondering does anyone else out there feel the same way that I do. Is there any advice that I can get that will help me?

Tell me what you guys think? What are your plans and dreams for 2015?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hummingbirds - Legends and Symbolism

      Over the last couple of months I have found myself pondering about humming birds. I always spot the feeders in Wal Mart when I go to pick up pet food and supplies. What got me really curious was: why did Papyrus use a hummingbird as its logo. What did it symbolize?
      According to the Papyrus card:
"Legends say that hummingbirds float free o time carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. The hummingbird's delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and laughter is life's sweetest creation."
     Now this got me thinking, what else does a hummingbird stand for? says:
  • Joy and playfulness
  • Adaptability
  • Lightness of being, enjoyment of life
  • Being more present
  • Independence
  • Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
  • Lifting up negativity
  • Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
  • Resilience, being able to travel great distances timelessly
       Okay this sis what I got from all my searching. Hummingbirds have a unique presence in legends and in symbolism and seem to bring the nature of positivity to lives.
       Hmm I wonder if this is why people get humming bird tattoo's.

What do you think?
Would you get a hummingbird tattoo?